New website— new look. Maybe old info.
Wow….been a while since I’ve touched this site. Now for recent news:
I’ve launched my own brand of training materials, courses, and books. If you’re interested in INFOSEC training and/or certification, head on over to WannaBeACISSP.com and check it out.
The WannaPractice App has launched, and is getting fantastic reviews and participation! If you’re studying for INFOSEC cert, check it out! wannapractice.com
Updates: I’d forgotten about this site for a while, and haven’t posted anything new in quite some time. A few things have happened:
My book on privacy came out. Then it came out in audiobook format
My CCSP Study Guide also was released as an audiobook.
I published a book of practice tests for the CCSK.
I’ve also published a series of coruses on Udemy, if you’re interested in study material for INFOSEC certification exams.
So I'm trying my hand at fiction again...and I want to make sure you like it. I'm going to publish the book entirely online, and in episodic format, chapter by chapter. Each chapter will be published through Amazon as I write it, and each chapter will cost a dollar (maybe more for the final chapter).
However, I want to make sure you like it before you buy it. So I'm giving you the first chapter for free. Click HERE to read the first chapter on my website. If you dig it, and want to read more, click HERE to bounce over to Amazon and buy the next chapter. For a buck.
I am really enjoying writing this one, and I hope you enjoy reading it. If you get a moment, drop me a line, or post a review online, and let me know what you think. Thanks!